Please use the form below to contact us by email.
We would welcome any suggestions or comments you may have in relation to this continually developing website.
If you have any news items, information photographs etc that you would want included on the site please use the form below in th first instance.
The form below should also be used as an Application Form for tickets for the Scottish Rally, please read the instruction on the Ticket Application page on this website and then complete all the relevent details and click on "Send Form" We will then process your ticket application and email you your tickets once we have received payment.
In the message box please enter the words "Ticket Application". Please use one form per person. If the person is a pillion passenger please note that beside the persons name. In the "Confirm method of payment" box please enter your choice of Bank Transfer or cheque.
Once the form is fully completed please click on the send button. Your Ticket Application will then be emailed directly to us.
You can make the payment of £25 per person by bank transfer to " Moto Guzzi Club GB Scottish Branch" : Royal Bank of Scotland, Sort Code 83-26-09, Account Number 00625093. Please enter your name / membership number as the reference for the transfer so we can attach the payment to your application form.
Alternatively you can send a cheque payable to "Moto Guzzi Club GB Scottish Branch" to Dave Breeze MGCGB Scottish Rally 9 Lothian Terrace, Newtongrange, Dalkeith EH22 4QL
Once we have received payment we will email you your ticket for the Rally.